XML Sitemap Generator

Enter a domain name

Modified date
Change frequency
Default priority
How many pages do I need to crawl?

Links Found: 0


About XML Sitemap Generator


  • Use our free tool to create an XML sitemap that will alert search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yandex about all of your web pages and any changes to them, as well as ensure that all of your sites are correctly indexed.

  • In the form below, provide your whole website URL as well as some optional parameters.

  • Wait until the site has been crawled entirely before clicking the 'Generate Sitemap' button.

  • You will be routed to the created sitemap details page, which includes the number of pages, a list of broken links, the text of the XML file, and a link to the sitemap file. Download the sitemap file from that website and save it to your site's domain root folder.

  • Add your sitemap URL to your Google Webmaster account.


You want your website to be towards the top of search engine results pages (SERPs), right?

Everyone does, of course!

However, in order for your site to be indexed and subsequently rank, search engines such as Google must frequently "crawl" it.

They do employ Sitemap XML Creator to ensure that the search results are always up to date.

Search bots may crawl a site numerous times each day, especially if new items are posted throughout the day, as is the case with news sites.

Crawling is largely algorithmic, which means that computer programmes calculate how frequently search bots should scan each site.

The more frequently these search engine spiders crawl your site, the more of your content they will discover. This ultimately leads to more of your pages showing up for queries and by extension more organic traffic trooping into your site.

However, for your site to get crawled *properly* everytime and more frequently as it were, there has to be a structure in place. And it is called Sitemap.


XML is an abbreviation for Extensible Markup Language (XML). It is a machine-readable file format that can be read by search engines and other data-munching programmes such as feed readers.

An Sitemap XML is a document that assists Google and other major search engines in better understanding your website while crawling it.

It essentially provides a site's URLs (pages) in an organised manner, allowing you (the webmaster) to include additional information about each URL.

This includes details such as:

  • When was the page last updated?

  • How frequently it changes

  • What it has to do with other URLs on the site

  • Its significance to the broader site, and so on.


Because XML maps list pages in the correct order and provide additional information about those pages, search engines can crawl your site more intelligently.

This basically means that a solid Sitemap acts as a website guide, directing search engines to all of your important pages.

If your site is not well-structured or well-linked (internal links), XML is very critical.

  • Your website is new and has few external links.

  • Some pages on your website are generated dynamically (as is the case with some eCommerce sites).

  • Your site is vast and/or has a large amount of archived information that may or may not be well-linked. A user-generated content site, such as a job board, is an example where pages are archived (and forgotten) after a certain amount of time.

  • Your website is just an average website but you care about search engines indexing it adequately.

XML maps can also help with search engine optimisation (SEO).

Why? Because they make it easy for Google and other search engines to identify crucial pages on your website, even if your internal linking is poor.

This is significant because Google and other search engines index and rank specific webpages rather than entire websites.

Even if your homepage URL has already been scanned and indexed by search engines, you should still supply them with a well specified sitemap to assist them in exposing other sites that would otherwise be hidden from the spiderbots.

Consider your website to be a house, with each page serving as a room. Google may recognise the property from the "outside view," but not necessarily every room.

Consider a Sitemap to be a blueprint or map of your home and its rooms. Google uses this plan to find all of the rooms in your house fast and simply.

In terms of rapidly discovering your pages, Sitemaps can be quite important in identifying you as the original source of the content if you produced a piece of content and it was duplicated and published elsewhere.

How? Because an XML map allows Google to find it first on your site, and the XML file allows it to explore your site more rapidly and frequently. In summary, the duplicate content problem has been handled!

All of these advantages make you desire to produce an XML for your website. That is why we developed the Sitemap Generator.



Sitemap Creator is a free, high-quality online application created by Small SEO Tools' engineers to assist you in easily creating working XML Sitemaps for your website.

The produced sitemap can then be added to your website to begin reaping the benefits.

This tool was created specifically to meet the SEO parameters required for excellent ranking.

You can use our tool to create a sitemap with up to 500 pages, multiple change frequencies, and default priorities.

This tool can also function as a webpage counter when building a sitemap. It allows you to compute both the total number of pages and the number of indexed pages on your website. If your indexing value appears to be decreasing, you can take the essential steps to increase it.

Our Sitemap generator is extremely adaptable. It is compatible with major search engines such as Google and Bing. It will also work for your site regardless of whether you use WordPress or another site builder.

To use most XML producers on the market, you must have some level of coding knowledge. But our tool is unique. It does not require any coding skills to build XML Sitemaps.

As a result, the tool is incredibly user-friendly.


Small SEO Tools' XML Sitemap Generator is a strong tool, but like with any powerful tool, a little instruction and background on how all the components operate goes a long way.

So, let's go over the specific actions you'll need to take to make the most of the tool:

Step #1: In the XML Sitemap Generator area, input the URL of your website.

Step #2: Set the optional custom parameters based on your preferences. The settings include the amount of pages to crawl, the frequency of changes, the default priority, and the dates.

Step #3: Once you've chosen your parameters, click the "Generate Sitemap" button.

Based on the information you supplied, the tool will analyse your request, crawl your site, and build a sitemap for you.

Step #4: Once the process is complete, the tool will display the sitemap details, including the number of pages, a list of broken links, the XML file content, and a link to the sitemap file.

Step #5: Next, select "Save As XML File" to save the sitemap file in.xml format.

Step #6: Next, navigate to your website's root directory and copy the sitemap.xml file into the domain root folder. If you have numerous sitemaps included within a sitemap.zip file, unzip it and upload all of the sitemap files to root directory of your website.

Step #7: Go to your Google Search Console (previously Google Webmaster Tools) account and enter your sitemap URL as an extra step. Apart from Google, as previously indicated, our free online tool supports other important search engines. So, if you're a Bing user, you'd just go to your Bing Webmaster Tools account and add it.

You can check your XML file by submitting it to search engines (through Google Search Console for Google). Before you attempt to validate the Sitemap, be sure it is in the correct format and has been correctly posted to your webserver.

If your website is brand new, submitting your Sitemap to Google helps the search engine discover and index your site faster.


Guidelines to Create a Perfect Sitemap

By using our Sitemap XML Creator, you can create a sitemap for WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla. Here are some of the basic guidelines to create a perfect sitemap:

  • Use completely qualified and consistent URLs. Google may crawl every single URL of your site as listed. For example, if a site at https://www.xyz.com/ doesn’t mention its URL as https://xyz.com/ (without www) or ./mypage.html (a relative URL).

  • Your sitemap must not have the session IDs from URLs in a sitemap to reduce the duplicate of fake crawling of URLs. Inform Google about other versions in the alternative language by using the Hreflang notation. The XML Sitemap Creator files should have URLs escaped and suitably UTF-8.

  • Ensure to break the large site maps into smaller maps to avoid overloading on a server. The XML file of a sitemap doesn’t contain more than 50,000 URLs. It must be less than 50MB uncompressed. List the individual sitemaps in the Create Sitemap Online tool with the use of an index file sitemap and submit this file to search engines rather than submitting separate sitemaps in the Sitemaps Creator.

  • You can use the canonicalization method to mention the search engines that your website is accessible on non-www and www versions. Ensure to submit a sitemap for your favorite domain. With the XML Sitemap Creator extension, it is simple to point to additional media types like news, video, or images. If you have the point to both URLs, ensure to annotate URLs to indicate mobile and desktop versions.

  • A Sitemap Creator should have ASCII characters only. It can not have upper ASCII characters or control codes. If the URL of your sitemap has these characters, you must get an error message while adding it. Additionally, for the tools Domain Age Checker or Domain Authority Checker, it's essential to adhere to standard character encoding to ensure compatibility and prevent errors in processing data.



What is the difference between an XML sitemap and an HTML sitemap?

An XML sitemap is intended for search engines, and it provides an organised list of URLs to assist them in crawling and indexing your site. An HTML sitemap, on the other hand, is designed for human users and provides a visual depiction of your site's structure to aid navigation. With Website Authority Checker you can check DA of the website as well.

How often should I update my XML sitemap?

The optimal frequency for updating your XML sitemap is determined by how frequently your website changes and adds new information. In general, you should update your sitemap anytime there are significant changes or new information is uploaded.

Ideally, you should produce a dynamic Sitemap XML Creator from your CMS. However, if you are unable to do so, this tool can still be useful as a temporary solution.

Are there any XML sitemap attributes not used by Google?

Google does not use the "priority" and "change frequency" characteristics in XML sitemaps because they may not accurately indicate the importance or frequency with which a webpage is updated. Instead, concentrate on providing precise "lastmod" values to notify search engines about the most recent modifications to your material.

My website is available in several languages. How should this be handled in my XML sitemap?

In your XML sitemap, use hreflang annotations to specify alternate language versions of a page. By assisting search engines in determining which language versions of your material to provide to users, including hreflang tags in your XML sitemap can boost your international SEO. One can also use SEO Meta Tag Generator to generate proper meta tags.