Enter 6 digits hex color code and press the Convert button:
It takes input in the form of a hex color code value and converts that value to an RGB value that can be used to specify color in photo editing software. Photo editing software usually represents color in RGB, so having the RGB values for the hex code allows you to use the same colors in both your HTML pages and photo editing projects. This tool provides you with the necessary RGB values.
Let's start by understanding what hex color codes are before diving into RGB. Hexadecimal numbers or hex color codes are used to identify colors in HTML and CSS. A hex code starts with a hashtag or pound sign (#000000) and consists of a 6-digit code. The code includes 3 numbers from 0 to 9 and 3 letters from A to F, representing a specific color shade.
Hexadecimal color codes play a significant role in specifying colors in CSS and HTML elements on web pages.
The term RGB stands for red, green, and blue, which are the primary colors that combine to give white light. RGB color models provide a graphic representation of colors in electronic devices such as computers and TVs. Hex color codes and RGB use different ways to represent the same thing: color systems on electronic devices.
The notation #RRGGBB represents a 6-digit code where each pair of values represents the amount of shade for red (RR), green (GG), and blue (BB) respectively. The values for each color component range from 0 to 255.
Identifying the RGB values is straightforward as they have a scale from 0 to 255. For example:
Reading hex color codes is easy once you understand the formula. Hex color code values are numerically represented from 0 to 9 and higher values from 9 are replaced by letters from A to F.
For instance, the hexadecimal number for the decimal number 72 is 48. Here's how it's calculated:
Online converters can be used to perform these calculations automatically without manual intervention.
You can use a hex to RGB converter to effortlessly find the RGB color values for a given hex color code. Online utilities offer the best hex to RGB converter tools that take the hex color code as input and provide a complete RGB color preview. RGB values are essential for specifying colors in photo editing software like Photoshop and Lightroom.
When you want to use a particular color on your web page or HTML, you'll require the RGB values because photo editors use RGB values for the hex code. A hex to RGB converter comes in handy to retrieve the required values.