Get Source Code of Webpage

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About Get Source Code of Webpage

About View Page Source

Welcome to View Page Source, a tool that lets you easily view the source code of any webpage. Source code is the programming language behind websites and software, and by viewing it, you can troubleshoot problems, learn how web pages work, and even optimize your site for search engines.

Using View Page Source is simple: just copy the URL of the site you want to view and paste it into the tool above. Click "View source" to see the formatted version of the source code. This is especially helpful for mobile users who may have difficulty viewing source code in their browser.

Please use View Page Source for legitimate purposes only. While the tool can be used to access blocked websites, we prioritize the safety and privacy of our users, and we assure you that your data is secure.

One of the benefits of viewing source code is its usefulness in search engine optimization, or SEO. By understanding how search engines view your website, you can improve its ranking and visibility. For example, search engines rely on header tags like the title and description to understand the content of a webpage. By inspecting these tags in the source code, you can make sure they accurately represent the content of your site.