Domain Age Checker

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About Domain Age Checker

Domain Age Checker


How well you “do” in online business is directly proportional to how well you “know.”

Because you will apply what you know. And your results will be determined by what you apply.

Even seemingly small information can put you one step ahead of your competitors.

Yes, vital expertise such as knowing how to best win consumers for your organization is required. However, it also includes minor characteristics such as the domain age of your URL.

That is why we developed this free, premium domain age checker tool.


In layman's terms, “Domain Age” refers to the length of time a domain name has been in existence. It refers to the age of a domain name.

For example, if a domain name was registered in 2010, it will be 10 years old by 2020.

And what exactly is a domain name? It is a website's URL, such as That is, the URL by which Internet consumers can reach your website.


Domain Age Checker is a tool we built primarily for the purpose of checking the age of any domain 

On the Internet, you can find your name.

Because it is loaded with essential domain name checking functions, this is by far the most powerful domain age checking tool you will discover on the web.

Other domain age checkers often only display the domain's age in years.

Domain Age Finder by SmallSEOTools, on the other hand, is far more complex.

Our domain tool displays not just the age of your domain name, but also the actual time, day, month, and year it was registered. But wait, there's more:

Our domain age checker can also display you more information about your domain name, such as:

  • He has a date The domain was most recently updated on

  • The expiration date of the domain

  • IP address (the IP address indicates who is currently hosting the website as well as the sort of IP address it has).

  • Name servers associated with a domain name

  • Way back link to check the domain name's history in, including previous designs, layouts, contents, and so on.

  • The domain name's registrar.

This means that the tool may not only examine the age of your domain, but also:

  • Checker for domain expiry dates

  • IP address checker for domains

  • Web host verification

  • Domain name server verification

  • Domain registrar verification

With that feature set, one can only conclude that this is not your typical domain age checker, but rather a sophisticated domain name analyzer.

Oh, and did we mention that you get all of this for $0. Yes, completely FREE. No hidden fees, no monthly charges. In fact, you can even use it without prior registration.


Our Domain Age Analyser is so simple to use that you might believe you're having fun!

You can perform a single domain age check or a bulk domain age check.

Here's how it's done:

Step #1: To use the tool, you must first be on this page, which you are now.

Step #2: Enter your domain name(s) in the text field given, beginning with http://.

Step #3: After entering your domain name(s), click “Check Domain Age” to submit the request.

Our well-built engine will deliver the result in about a second, which usually looks like this:

You can view additional information by selecting “More info”:

If you click on “History of Domain,” the engine will display you the domain's whole history. The history will show everything if the domain was registered 15 years ago, used for five years, discarded, and then registered and active again three years ago.

This will give you a good indication of how old the domain is. You will also discover whether it has had one or more previous owners.

No other machine on the Internet is this intelligent.


The following are some reasons why you would want to examine the age of a domain name.

However, keep in mind that you may want to check:

  • The age of an existing domain name that you want to purchase.

  • Your competitors' domain names' ages

  • Or just the age of your domain name.

The major reason for determining domain age is to determine WHEN the domain was registered and HOW OLD it is presently.

You most likely already knew when you registered your own working domain name. So looking it up isn't the best use of your time and won't help you much (unless you've forgotten when you did it).

That leaves us with two alternatives:

  • Checking the domain age of a desired name

  • Investigating the age of competing domains

Checking the age of your competitors' domain names accomplishes one thing: you now know how long their domain names have existed, which gives you an indication of what you're up against.

Checking the age of a domain name you want to acquire, on the other hand, provides you an indication of what you're getting into.

The following are the reasons why knowing domain age is important for these two reasons:

  1. You can obtain an overview of the size of the domain name's backlink profile.An older domain name is more likely to have a higher link profile.Why? Because it has been around for a long time and may have accumulated some links along the way.The owner may have worked hard to build some excellent backlinks, and search engines do weigh the quantity and quality of backlinks when ranking a website.The prior owner's SEO work to develop a good link profile can be a huge asset for future owners.

  2. You can see how well the domain performs in search engine rankings.As previously said, a long-standing domain name (with a quality backlink profile) is likely to perform well in search. In reality, most SEOs feel that domain age is a ranking criterion used by Google.A good search engine ranking on a domain will save you a lot of SEO time, money, and effort. Checking its age also provides you an idea of how well the name is performing in search.

  3. You can get an estimate of how much traffic to expect.A well-known and established domain will receive a significant quantity of traffic.Although there are other elements that influence the quantity of traffic a website receives, such as regular content publication, a domain name that has been there for a while will “naturally” perform better than new ones in terms of organic or direct traffic.

  4. You will gain an understanding of the domain name's reputation: Purchasing a fully new domain name means beginning from scratch in order to establish a good reputation. However, long-standing domain names may already have a strong reputation in their market niche.This suggests that users have already acquired some trust in the name because it has been present, and they are familiar with it.Checking the domain age can tell you how long it has been there.

  5. You get to have an idea of how bad the domain name may be with the above four points in mind, you may start thinking that all long-existing domain names come clean and heavenly.Don't get it twisted, they are not all perfect.After checking the age of a domain name and find that it has existed for long, you can then make efforts to find out if the domain name has some negativism attached to it and for how long.For instance, the previous owner might have been employing black-hat SEO techniques to try to gain some search engine advantages. Another problem associated with some existing domain names is having a bad reputation amongst users. Some users may have blocked the website or tagged it as spam or malware. If these flaws are not removed, the future of the domain could be at stake.Checking the domain name gives you an idea of how long it has existed, so you can carry out an underground investigation before buying it.

Domain Age Checker: How Old is a Website?

Have you ever visited a beautifully designed, well-written website and had an urge to know how long these people have been in company? Then Domain Age Checker is one of the simplest methods is to identify the age of the website; this will assist you in determining the credibility of their services. Similarly, consumers may be curious about the age of your website.

Assume you visit a web hosting website; it is common knowledge that older businesses in this industry are usually more reputable. When you can't locate any information on the website's formation year, the idea of determining the website's age is brilliant. Although, we are generally only able to find the date of domain registration with Domain Age Finder.

Importance of Quality Domain Age Finder

Domain age is crucial for SEO or Google ranking just like Sitemap XML Creator and Keywords Suggestion Tool. The age of a domain is one of the numerous weighing criteria that Google uses when ranking a webpage. In other words, the age of a domain is significant.

It's important to note that domain age does not indicate how long you've owned a specific website name, but rather how long it's been since Google first crawled that domain. That is why many businesses seek to purchase “age domains” that have been around for a while in order to boost their Google ranking. 

Nonetheless, just because a domain was registered 10 years ago does not indicate that Google considers it to be 10 years old; Google must have indexed it. To put it another way, if a domain has been registered for ten years but has done nothing else, it is the same as if you purchased the name yesterday.


Domain Age Checker for SEO & Google Ranking?

For very long now, there has been a debate going on about how exactly the age of a given domain contributes towards your ability to rank better. After the numerous testing and experience of SEOs paints a clear picture that the older the domain the better will be the ranking. Google has also shed some light on the importance of domain age, as well as the Domain Age Checker.

Here are some of the important things to know about Domain Age Finder for SEO & Google Ranking

  • Domain age is an important factor in determining Google rankings and is a component of SEO.

  • For the first few months after Google discovered them, websites were largely ignored. It was difficult to rank well in competitive terms in the first few months. Some SEOs simply do not like working with brand-new domains.

  • The difference between a 6-month-old domain and a 12-month-old domain, according to Google, is very small.

How Does Domain Age Impacts SEO

The Domain Age is one of the many factors, that influence Search Engine Optimization. Here are some ways in which the age of the domain can help SEO:

Trust and authority: The longer the domain has been around, the more likely it is to be considered authoritative and trustworthy by search engines. This can result in a better ranking in SERPs.

Backlinks: With the help of Website Age Checker & Domain Authority Checker, you can identify the number of backlinks. The older the domain, the more backlinks will be there, which helps in boosting the search engine rankings.

Stability: A long-running domain is less likely to be a "fly-by-night" operation that is here today and gone tomorrow. Search engines may be more likely to rank a site that has been around for a while higher because it is perceived as more stable and reliable. We also offer Sitemap XML Creator to create a sitemap for WordPress

Branding: Over some time, a domain can become a well-established brand that can help attract more visitors and also improve the ranking of search engines.